Thursday, September 3, 2020
I have been asked to investigate factors that affect the depreciation :: Economics
I have been approached to explore factors that influence the devaluation of vehicles. I have been approached to examine factors that influence the deterioration of vehicles. To do this I might preferably want to gather my own information about utilized vehicles. This would be called essential information. I would have gathered information eager for advancement, model, mileage, motor size, age, cost and cost at the point when new of a few hundred trade-in vehicles. Lamentably this would have taken a great deal of time, yet the bit of leeway would have been that it would have been dependable information which I could trust, and I could have found out precisely the data that I needed. It would have been unimaginable for me to do such a huge overview, nonetheless, so I needed to utilize auxiliary information that I got from the CCEA site. The upside of this was it was brisk, modest and simple, in any case, I can't make certain of the exactness of these outcomes and I don't have a clue on the off chance that any inclination was included when it was being gathered. I have moreover discovered that a large number of the outcomes are fragmented. From the very beginning, I am certain that two of these outcomes aren't right - a Renault Laguna which costs  £50,000, and a Renault Clio that increments in esteem. I have erased these outcomes straight away. Speculation 1 My first speculation is that vehicles devalue more as they get more seasoned. I utilized the spreadsheet on the PC to test this theory, however first I needed to get the age and rate deterioration for every vehicle, neither of which are recorded in the table. Right off the bat, to get the age of the vehicles, I deducted the year where they were produced using 2002, the year when the information was gathered. I first made another section on the spreadsheet and called it age. At that point I composed into the principal box under the title the equation for age- =2002-F2 where F2 is the section for the year the vehicle was made. This filled the box with the age of the vehicle. I at that point featured the container, right clicked what's more, chose duplicate, before featuring all the cases beneath and choosing glue extraordinary, recipe. This filled in the ages for all of the vehicles. Next, to get the rate deterioration, I made another section and filled it with a progressively confounded recipe =(I2-H2)/I2*100 where I2 is the cost when new and H2 is the value now. This filled the primary box in the rate deterioration section with the suitable worth, and I replicated the recipe into the different boxes as previously. I at that point featured these two segments and replicated them into outline 2. I have been approached to explore factors that influence the deterioration :: Economics I have been approached to examine factors that influence the deterioration of vehicles. I have been approached to explore factors that influence the deterioration of vehicles. To do this I might preferably want to gather my own information about utilized vehicles. This would be called essential information. I would have gathered information eager for advancement, model, mileage, motor size, age, cost and cost at the point when new of a few hundred trade-in vehicles. Sadly this would have taken a great deal of time, yet the preferred position would have been that it would have been dependable information which I could trust, and I could have found out precisely the data that I needed. It would have been incomprehensible for me to do such an enormous study, notwithstanding, so I needed to utilize optional information that I got from the CCEA site. The upside of this was it was speedy, modest and simple, in any case, I can't make certain of the precision of these outcomes and I don't have the foggiest idea in the event that any inclination was included when it was being gathered. I have too discovered that a large number of the outcomes are inadequate. From the very beginning, I am certain that two of these outcomes aren't right - a Renault Laguna which costs  £50,000, and a Renault Clio that increments in esteem. I have erased these outcomes straight away. Speculation 1 My first speculation is that vehicles devalue more as they get more seasoned. I utilized the spreadsheet on the PC to test this theory, yet first I needed to get the age and rate deterioration for every vehicle, neither of which are recorded in the table. Right off the bat, to get the age of the vehicles, I deducted the year wherein they were produced using 2002, the year when the information was gathered. I first made another segment on the spreadsheet and called it age. At that point I composed into the principal box under the title the equation for age- =2002-F2 where F2 is the segment for the year the vehicle was made. This filled the box with the age of the vehicle. I at that point featured the crate, right clicked furthermore, chose duplicate, before featuring all the containers underneath and choosing glue exceptional, equation. This filled in the ages for all of the vehicles. Next, to get the rate devaluation, I made another segment and filled it with an increasingly confused equation =(I2-H2)/I2*100 where I2 is the cost when new and H2 is the value now. This filled the principal confine the rate deterioration segment with the fitting worth, and I duplicated the equation into the different boxes as previously. I at that point featured these two segments and duplicated them into graph 2.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Information Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Data Systems - Research Paper Example In spite of the productivity and adequacy of the correspondence framework at the organization, Hierarchical Network Design joining offers more advantages (White and Donohue, 2014). To meet the key system plan objectives, a system ought to be created on a design that grants the two adaptabilities just as development. The progressive plan is successfully used to aggregate gadgets into different systems. Such a system configuration includes partitioning the system into different discrete layers. Each layer gives exact capacities that layout its job inside the system in totality (Oppenheimer, 2005). Through isolating the capacities that are on a system, the system configuration turns out to be exceptionally appropriate for use for this business for it gets secluded, encouraging versatility just as execution. Such are the earnest worry for an advanced bike fabricating business. The standard progressive plan is separated into unmistakably three layers, center, access and access, dispersion. The center layer, for example, will interface conveyance layer gadgets. Access layer, then again, has the fundamental reason giving an immediate association with arrange gadgets a nd controlling the gadgets permitted to speak with it. At last, appropriation layer has the job of interconnecting the littler nearby systems. As an end, by looking at the correspondence organize inside Mosaic Cycle; the general proficiency and adequacy of this framework are apparent. In any case, as apparent in the paper various leveled organize have favorable circumstances over this system plans hence suggested.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Toni Morrison and Charlotte Perkins Gilman :: comparison compare contrast essays
Toni Morrison and Charlotte Perkins Gilman  In this time of electric vehicles, flying machines, and Chinese take-out, it is anything but difficult to let certain consistently imperfections slip past us.â Take for instance language.â What level of American's state I don't got any cash when truly they don't have any money?â Sure it's only a minor defect, brief flaw that could without much of a stretch pass unnoticed.â But, shouldn't something be said about the following individual who says, I ain't got no money.â Is there a limit?â Is there a breaking point to how seriously language can be damaged, obliterated, or is demise a definitive confinement?â Nobel Prize victor, Toni Morrison, communicates her nauseate and dread of such a passing in her 1993 Nobel Prize Lecture.  She recounts to the tale of an older visually impaired lady whom is known and regarded in her locale for her insight and knowledge.â Morrison clarifies that Among her kin [the old woman] is both the law and its offense (Morrison 1993).â On one event, the lady is drawn closer by some youngsters who are resolved to exploiting her blindness.â They state, Elderly person, I grasp a bird.â Tell me whether it is living or dead.â After some time the lady answers, I don't know.â I don't know whether the fowl you are holding is in any condition, yet what I can be sure of is that it is in your grasp. It is in your grasp. (Morrison 1993)  Morrison deciphers the winged animal to be language and the lady to be a polished writer.â â Morrison expresses that [The woman] is stressed over how the language she dreams in, given to her during childbirth, is taken care of, put into administration, even retained from her for certain loathsome purposes.â ...She accepts that if the fowl in the hands of her guests is dead, the caretakers are liable for the carcass (Morrison 1993).â The lady knows that language, her very method of speaking with the world, her sole instrument of articulation in present day society, is dying.â As language keeps on dieing, the lady and her mode for articulation become progressively bound, with death as the last outcome.â She is shackled and confined by her powerlessness to end the holocaust, the total and articulate despoiling of the language she adores to such an extent.
Voice in Writing 77 Questions to Find Yours
Voice in Writing 77 Questions to Find Yours Voice in Writing: 77 Questions to Find Yours Finding your special voice recorded as a hard copy can be so precarious. Have you at any point figured, Why do I appear to turn out to be additionally exhausting the more I write?Or, possibly youre figuring, Why do I battle to compose when I can converse with individuals so effectively about the equivalent subject?Sometimes, there’s a distinction between how we need to state something and how it really sounds.Our voice as an essayist can get lost, corrupted, or may simply be inconsistent.The approach to battle this is found in a two-section solution:Create an avatar.Write to that avatar.What Is An Avatar?To an author, a symbol is a composite of qualities of individuals that you need as your optimal perusers. This individual ought to have a name, an image, a particular segment, and other nitty gritty characteristics. When you can without much of a stretch hold an image of who this individual is in your mind’s eye, you can build up your writer’s voice by keeping in touch with your avatar.When you hold your symbol as a top priority, you’re ready to compose as though youre having a discussion. This permits you to be progressively real, increasingly accommodating, and it empowers you to associate with your peruser which will thusly assist you with selling more books.If your perusers are the correct perusers (the individuals that your symbol spoke to), they will think as they read your book, Oh wow, this book was composed precisely for me!How Do I Create An Avatar?A decent initial step is to think, Who is one individual in my life that this book would help the most?If there is somebody that you think possesses all the necessary qualities precisely, at that point presto! Compose the book for that person.Chandler Bolt, organizer of Self-Publishing School, even proposes beginning every part off by tending to your avatar.For model, if your symbols name is Sharon, you could begin every section by saying, Dear Sharon. Afterward, in your altering procedure, you can erase that underlying greeting.Chandler says, What youll find is that when youre battling with your voice and youre not certain what to state, youll simply return to, What might [name of avatar] need to hear at the present time? What story would most impact them? How might I compose the following bit of my book in a language that would resound the most to [name of avatar]?'You will compose quicker, you will compose simpler, and you will compose books that your perusers crave.Is an Avatar Necessary?Some individuals may settle on a large number of insights that speak to the general segment of their peruser rather than a symbol. In any case, basing your discounting voice of a conventional comprehension of your optimal peruser will bring about a nonexclusive depiction of your message.And, with a nonexclusive message, your crowd will be excessively wide. As its been stated, When your crowd is everybody, your crowd is no one.But I Dont Have An Avatar!If you dont know s omebody that superbly typifies your symbol, don’t stress!Here are 77 inquiries that you can reply to substance out your symbol, and thusly, cement your voice as a writer.Determine Your Avatars DemographicsWhat is your symbols name?What is your symbols age?What is your symbols gender?What is the conjugal status of your avatar?How numerous kids does your symbol have?What are the times of your symbols children?What is your symbols occupation?What is their activity title?How numerous years have they been in their current position?What is your symbols yearly income?How numerous employments have they held all through their career?What is your symbols level of education?Where did they go to school?What sort of experience did they have at school?Who were their companions at school?What are your symbols political views?What are your symbols strict views?It is even significant that you characterize your symbols physical qualities. This implies you ought to try and have an image of your avatar!You can without much of a stretch discover an image on the web to discover a picture that catches the appearance of your made avatar.What is your avatar’s hair color?What is your avatar’s eye color?What is your avatar’s weight?What is your avatar’s height?What does their outward appearances look like when theyre disappointed? Tired? Befuddled? Upbeat? Shocked? Taken off-guard?Determine Your Avatars PersonalityDescribe your symbols character at home, busy working, and in other social circumstances. (On the off chance that youre stuck, think about the inquiries, What makes your symbol on edge? Does your symbol have a sense of safety in social circumstances? Does your symbol need consideration or attempt to maintain a strategic distance from it? Does your symbol feel acknowledged in their relationships?)If you could tell your symbol anything, and you realized that they would hear you, however apply what youve stated, how might you train them?What are accurate statements that your symbol would state? (On the off chance that you are uncertain of this, basically watch human whether close companions or other online existences and see how they talk. What do their Facebook remarks resemble, their Amazon book audits, etc.?)What contemplations keep your symbol conscious at night?What does your avatar’s regular social condition look like?How does their way of life impact their character and decisions?What things does your symbol feel like they have control over?What things does your symbol feel like are out of their reach?What does your symbol stress about?Who does your symbol celebrate?Has your symbols life satisfied their expectations?Determine Your Avatars Hobbies and InterestsWhat kind of music does your symbol listen to?How frequently does your symbol tune in to music?Does the person like games? Do they appreciate viewing? Playing?Is your symbol intrigued by art?Where does your symbol need to travel?Where has your symbol as of now traveled?What does your symbol keep awake to-date on?What are your symbols most loved dress brands?Determine Your Avatars Goals and ValuesWhat does your symbol need to achieve this week? This year? Before they die?What is your symbols procedure for progressing in the direction of those goals?What is your symbol focused on (values)?In what ways does your symbol wish to improve their family situation?What would your symbol pay nearly anything for?Determine Your Avatars Challenges and Pain PointsWhat challenges is your symbol as of now facing?What causes your symbol pain?What is the most noticeably awful thing that could happen to your symbol if their concern (that you are explaining in your book) wasnt solved?How would this make them feel?What is your symbol apprehensive of?What does your symbol hate about their current situation?Determine Where Your Avatar Spends TimeWhere does your symbol hang out (physical locations)?Where does your symbol invest energy in the internet?What books does your symbol read? Computerized Marketer, an online business that works in web showcasing, proposes that you answer the inquiry, My optimal [reader] would peruse [book name], yet nobody else would. By deciding a book that your symbol would peruse, however nobody else would, you can comprehend the character and purchasing qualities of your symbol even more.What magazines does your symbol read?What web journals and sites does your symbol peruse and invest energy on?Does your symbol use Twitter? Why?Does your symbol use Facebook? Why?Does your symbol use LinkedIn? Why?What other web based life stages does your symbol use? Why?How much time does your symbol spend online?What gatherings does your symbol attend?Who does your symbol think about masters or experts?What sorts of innovation does your symbol use (what kind of telephone, PC, TV, etc.)?What does your symbol consider themselves?What does your symbols companions consider them?What does your symbols family consider them?D etermine Objections Your Avatar Might Have To Your Book/MessageWhat potential protests may your symbol have to your book/message?Why would your symbol decide not to purchase your book?What is your symbols capacity to buy items from you?How does your symbol see items like yours?Determine What Your Avatars Experience With Your Book Should BeWhat did your symbol do before perusing your book?What will your symbol think while perusing your book?What is your symbol attempting to achieve by perusing your book?What will your symbol do in the wake of perusing your book?What will make your symbol return to your book?Steps to Find Your Voice in WritingTo make your symbol, something that will enormously upgrade your voice as an essayist and your inside and out capacity to offer to and associate with your perusers, do the following:Answer the inquiries above.Based on the data you assemble, compose a tale about your symbol. Change the realities into a short account about this people life.Write yo ur book to this individual and watch your composing voice become increasingly steady and powerful.Knowing who you are composing for not just impacts future blog entries, deals duplicate, email promoting, and paid traffic publicizing, it likewise causes you compose your book.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Proposal on Development Economics Essay Example
Research Proposal on Development Economics Essay Advancement financial aspects is the part of financial matters and viable control, which considers the standards of arrangement of the political and conservative procedures of progress of the personal satisfaction in the regions which the low salary. Financial matters contemplates the nature and the reason for mass destitution and learns the components, propensities and instruments which can improve the monetary turn of events. The principle point of the improvement financial aspects is to crush destitution and advance monetary advancement in the underdeveloped nations. The issue of neediness has disturbed individuals for quite a long time and the key to riches and advancement has not been known till the uncommon examinations in this circle. Sadly, the world is partitioned into the rich and the poor nations, whose financial improvement is too low to even think about providing their kin with the elevated level of life and fulfill every one of their needs. Different researchers have invested a lot of energy to discover the reasons which impact the practical improvement of a nation and such examinations are amassed in the order of advancement financial aspects. The researchers break down the degree of life of various nations, study their monetary potential, solid and frail sides in industry, agribusiness, good and material qualities, conventions and customs of individuals, and so forth. They focus on each factor, which can improve the life of individuals on the planet and make unique speculations and models which are regularly tried. The principle assignment of advancement financial matters is to make a widespread guidance which can enable the creating nations to improve the board of the common and HR and arrive at the proper degree of life. We will compose a custom article test on Research Proposal on Development Economics explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Research Proposal on Development Economics explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Research Proposal on Development Economics explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The subject of improvement financial aspects is amazingly intriguing and provocative. Also, it offers a wide field of individual thoughts, so an understudy ought to commit a lot of time to the examination of the subject and put forth a valiant effort to conceptualize the best thoughts concerning the topic of the creating nations and the strategies or methods which can take care of their issues. One ought to convince that the subject of advancement financial aspects is worth examination and demonstrate it in the expert research proposition which contains the reason, the forecast of the conceivable accomplished consequences of the examination, the procedure, the investigation of the issue and the writing audit which demonstrates that numerous sources have been utilized to work out the difficult well. With the assistance of the Internet one can prevail in inquire about proposition composing, so an understudy should peruse a free model research proposition on advancement financial matters in the web and focus on such angles as the method of the investigation, arranging and structure of the paper. By and large, every free example look into proposition on advancement financial matters is set up by a specialist and can serve a solid model for composing of your own powerful paper. NOTE!!! All free example inquire about proposition and models on Development Economics are 100% copied, we are here to support you! is a main research proposition composing administration, which can offer you the arrangement you have been searching for. With a huge number of composed research papers and proposition for Master’s and PhD degrees, we can give you precisely what you need at entirely moderate costs. Our accomplished authors will demonstrate you that high caliber and selectiveness is a trademark of our items. We can ensure your secrecy and guarantee you severe on time conveyance. There are numerous explanations behind to turn into your preferred research proposition composing administration, yet all we are asking you †simply check out us!
Thursday, August 6, 2020
How To Make Poetry Accessible For All Students
How To Make Poetry Accessible For All Students Marlee, a special education teacher, shares her tips for making poetry more hands on and engaging for your students, so you can celebrate National Poetry Month in your classroom. When I announce the start of our poetry unit, I am guaranteed grunts and groans from my kids. Working in a self-contained therapeutic setting, my students do not get excited about many academic units anyway, but poetry tends to really grind their gears. So that tasks me with the challenge of making the poetry unit exciting and accessible for all of my kids. Digital Poetry With programs like WeVideo and iMovie, students can turn their own poems (or famous poems) into a multi-sensory, multimedia experience. With these programs, students can organize images from the internet (or their own photography) with transitions and other visual effects. Students can then add music or sound effects. Most importantly, they can record themselves reading their poems as their visuals dance across the screen, creating a truly multi-modal experience for poetry instruction. Why You Should Try This As teachers, we place a lot of importance on students analyzing and synthesizing different texts. Digital poetry allows students to perform these important skills, but gives them another medium to do so. Digital poetry also presents us with the opportunity to share student creations with a larger audience, via a class webpage or blog. Use Music Analyzing poetry and analyzing lyrics develops the same skills, but students tend to respond more positively to music. One of my favorite uses of music for poetry instruction is to teach figurative language. In the past, I have started with the song “Smile†by Uncle Kracker because it has a wide range of figurative language. I pass out the lyrics and have them follow along as they listen. As a class, we annotate for figurative language. Next, they choose their own songs to investigate. Students dive right into the search for figurative language. For struggling readers, it also helps to allow them to listen to the songs. Why You Should Try This Common Core State Standards mention understanding and analyzing figurative language at all grade levels, and poetry presents the perfect opportunity to do so. Choosing lyrics gives the students an element of choice in their learning, which will make it more meaningful. Also, most students have at least one song that they can relate to, which creates engagement for students that would otherwise be disinterested. Poetry Bracket Tournament March Madness brackets meets poetry. For this activity, I expose my students to as many different poems as possible by bringing in a bin of poetry books. To fill 64-spots, each kid picks 4-ish poems, and then I choose 4. We pass out numbers 1-64 and we write the poems on the corresponding lines. Then, each day, two competitions take place; students take turns reading their poems and then the rest of the class votes on the winner - emphasizing voting for the poem, not the person. I like to have different poetic elements that we are judging each day; so one day we will be looking for the poem with the best figurative language, while another day might just be the poem that they like the best. The winning poems go onto the next spot until we are down to the final four, and eventually the winner. Why You Should Try This If you ask students to just read 64 poems, they are going to disengage. Because of the competitive game element of this activity, it does not feel like the standard reading task. This is a great way to expose students to tons of different poets and styles. (Blank March Madness brackets found here). Found Poems Found Poems give students that might otherwise struggle with writing the opportunity to be a wordsmith. Found Poetry is hands-on and multisensory, while still focusing on poetic elements. Students flip through old magazines and newspapers, and cut out words or phrases that stand out. On a piece of construction paper, students will arrange their words in a way that is meaningful to them, and glue the words down. When the poems are finished, I have students do a Gallery Walk to read each other’s poems, leaving Post-It comments for each poem. Why You Should Try This Many students dread poetry because they don’t feel like they are good writers, so this activity presents an alternative way to “write†a poem. This is also a hands-on activity, and the end-result looks really cool. Finally, the Gallery Walk gets students out of their seats and thinking critically about poetry. Collaborative Poetry Writing Collaborative poetry writing can be done using a program like Google Docs, or it can be done with a pencil and paper (or chart paper and markers). Usually, I do this lesson with an extended limerick (instead of 5-lines, we use the closest multiple of 5, depending on the number of students). Another option is to do this activity in smaller groups. Anyway, I remind my students of the format of a limerick: AABBA, lines 1, 2, and 5, having 7-10 syllables and lines 3-4 having 5-7 syllables. Then, I give each kid a number, and that number will be the line that they are responsible for. I usually give them a topic or theme to write about and then I let the madness ensue. Students usually beg to make the limerick hyper-extended because they want to keep adding to it. Why You Should Try This You’re killing two birds with one stone - you’re teaching them about different forms of poetry (as well as syllables and rhyming), while also working on team-building skills. This activity is also just fun and lighthearted, which will help students to associate positive, “fun,†feelings with poetry. Not to mention, your final product is guaranteed to amuse you. Here are some additional resources for teaching students poetry: A Collection Of Poetry Activities, Reading and Defining Poetry, and Tricks Of The Trade Poetry Tips. How do you teach poetry? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Marlee Chizhevsky is a special education teacher at a therapeutic day school in Chicago. Also a certified English Language Arts teacher, Marlee has been a freelance writer since 2008. Marlee resides with her husband; cat, Q; and dog, Z.
Monday, June 22, 2020
The Industrial Credit And Investment Corporation In India Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
ICICI (The Industrial Credit And Investment Corporation in India) bank is the 4th largest bank in India incorporated in 1994 which went public in 1997. Earlier in 1955,ICICI came in existence due to World Bank initiative and the government.After that,ICICI announced their Banking subsidiary ICICI bank to overcome their banking operations like deposits,car loans,credit cards.Today ICICI bank has around 1700+ branches and 4271+ Atms in India and covers 19 countries globally CORE BUSINESS:- Banking and financial services are the core businesses of ICICI bank which includes corporate, International retail sector. PRODUCT LINES:- Personal banking: It includes Accounts Deposits,Roaming current account, Fixed Deposits,Recurring deposit, Housing loan,Commercial,Debit Credit cards,Mutual funds ,Car loans, Education loan,Personal loan,Demat services,Mobile banking,Wealth Management,Online services International NRI banking:-Money transfer,Bank accounts,Investment,Home loans, Insurance, Loans against FD, Foreign Exchange services Corporate Banking:- Commercial Banking , Global markets ,Investment Banking , Structured finance,International finance , Technology finance, Capital markets and Custodial services Business Banking:- Transaction Banking CMS, Business loans Trade services, Advisory services Rural and agri banking:- Agri corporate, Agri traders processors and Micro Banking MILSTONE CHANGES:- In 2000,ICICI bank was merged with Bank of Madura(BoM) In 2001,ICICI personal financial ltd ICICI capital services ltd were merged to ICICI bank In 2003,ICICI launched its subsidiaries in UK Canada. In 2004,ICICI opened its office in Bangladesh to grab the exclusive trade between the 2 countries In 2005,ICICI acquired Investitsionno-Kreditny bank(IKB) a Russian bank. In 2007,ICICI combined Sangli bank which was situated in Maharshtra for covering rural areas Recently, ICICI bank acquired Bank of Rajasthan in a non-cash deal growing formers network by 25% SENIOR MANAGEMENT:- ICICI bank is managed by extreme experience holders like Chairman K.V.Kamath,MD CEO Chanda Kochhar ,Deputy MD Sandeep Bakshi , NS Kannan EX-director CFO. MARKET INFORMATION:- Is is listed ON NSE and BSE. Its American Depositary Receipts(ADR) are listed on the NYSE Indias 2nd largest bank with an assest value of Rs.3774 billion On March 31st 2010,ICICI bank is reported to have 17 subsidiaries. ESTABLISHMENT:- Axis Bank was incorporated in the year 1993 as UTI Bank Ltd which provides Corporate Retail Banking products was the first private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Banks Registered Office is at Ahmedabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai PROMOTERS:- Axis Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the country, UTI. The Bank was set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with UTI contributing Rs. 100 Crore, LIC Rs. 7.5 Crore and GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 Crore each SUUTI Shareholding 27.02%Erstwhile Unit Trust of India was set up as a body corporate under the UTI Act, 1963, with a view to encourage savings and investment CORE BUSINESS:- The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence. The principal activities of the bank include commercial banking which encompasses merchant banking, direct finance, infrastructure finance, venture capital fund, advisory, trusteeship, treasury and other related financial services. PRODUCT LINE:- Comprehensive portfolio of banking services including Corporate Credit, Retail Banking, Business Banking, Capital Markets, Treasury and International Banking.The Product line of Axis bank has a variety of plans for everyone like Saving Account for Women, Prime Saving Account, Senior Citizens Saving Account, Priority Banking, Corporate Salary Account, Trust /NGOs Saving Account, Resident Foreign Currency Account, Online Trading Account, Current Account, Term Deposits, Locker Facilities, NRI Services, Depository Services, Financial Advisory Services, Wealth Management Services, Insurance Solutions Life and General, Retail Loans, Credit Loans, Travel Currency Cards, Remittance Cards Gift Cards MILESTONE CHANGES:- Dec-93 Registered office at Ahmedabad; Head office at Mumbai Apr-94 First branch of UTI Bank inaugurated at Ahmedabad by Dr. Manmohan Singh, Honble Finance Minister, Government of India. Sep-98 UTI Bank goes public Sep-99 Cash management services (CMS) launched, Co branded credit card Launched Apr-00 Bank launches its Internet banking module, i-Connect Retail loansintroduced for the first time by the Bank. Dec-05 UTI Bank wins International Financing Review (IFR) Asia India Bond House award for the year 2005 Apr-06 UTI Bank opens its first international branch in Singapore July-07 UTI Bank re-brands itself as Axis Bank Mar-08 Axis Bank launches Platinum Credit Card, Indias first EMV chip based Card SENIOR MANAGEMENT:-P. J. Nayak Chairman Chief Executive Officer, M.M. Agrawal Executive Director (Corporate Banking)Hemant Kaul, Executive Director (Retail Banking) LISTING ON EXCHANGES:-The bank is also registered on NSE, OTCEI, London Stock Exchange, and BSE. The bank has been successful in adapting to the changing environment due to which they have a good market share despite of tough competitions . ESTABLISHMNET: HDFC Bank Ltd. is a major Indian financial services company based in Mumbai, incorporated in august 1994.It was among the first companies in India to receive an in principle approval from the Reserve Bank of India to set up a bank in the private sector. HDFC Bank began their operation in 1995 with a simple mission to be a World class Indian bank. HDFC Bank has a very strong distribution network. It has its headquarters in Mumbai. It has a network of 1725 branches spread in 771 cities across India. The Bank also has 3898 networked ATMS across these cities. It operates in the following segment: 1) Personal Banking-It deals with all the financial dealings between a commercial bank and an individual. 2) Wholesale banking-Deals with all sorts of financial dealings with financial institutions, corporate, medium and small scale enterprises, trust and also the government sector. 3) NRI Banking-Consist of personal banking relations with the NRIS. CORE BUSINESS:-Their business philosophy is based on four core values-customer focus, operational excellence, product leadership and people. This is the reason because of which they are committed to hire, develop, motivate and retain the best people in the industry. HDFC Bank is specialized in providing banking and other financial services to corporate and institutional clients .The companies services include electronic banking products and commercial transactions. It also provides treasury services, retail banking and capital market infrastructure. PRODUCT LINE:- It has a bunch of product and services to meet the need of the people such as accounts deposits, loans, investments insurance , forex payment services, cards and customer center. MILESTONE CHANGES:- :2000: HDFC Bank was merged with Times Bank. This was the first merger of two private banks in India. As per the scheme of amalgamation which was approved by the shareholders of both the banks and the RBI, shareholders of times bank received 1 s hare of HDFC Bank for every 5.75 shares of Times Bank. 2008:acquired Centurion Bank Of Punjab taking its total branches to more than 1000. The amalgamation added significant value to HDFC Bank in terms of increased branch network, geographic research, customer base and a bigger pool of skilled power. HDFC Bank is among one of those banks that recognizes the importance of good corporate governance, which is generally accepted as a key factor in attaining fairness for all the stakeholders of the company and achieving organizational efficiency. LISTING ON EXCHANGES:-The bank is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) And The National Stock Exchange of India Limited(NSE).It is one of the first Indian bank to be listed on New York Stock Exchange(NYSE) in 2001 .The bank also got listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchangein 2008. They make use of their up- to- date technology, along with their expertise to create a competitive advantage and build market share. Vision: To be the trusted partner in progress by leveraging quality human capital and setting global standards of excellence to build the most valued financial conglomerate. Establishment: The IDBI Bank ltd ,originally known as Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), was formed on 1st July, 1964 under an Act of Parliament as a whole owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India. Its main objective was to provide credit and other facilities for the development of industries in India. The ownership was transferred to Government of India (GOI) on 16th February 1976. GOIs stake was reduced initially to 72 % and then 58.1 % in 1995 and finally to around 53 %. Core Business: IDBI has played a major role in promoting the industrial growth by financing medium and long term projects. Over the years the bank has grown its basket of products and services to cover almost the entire spectrum of industrial activities. IDBI provides financial assistance, in rupee as well as foreign currencies, for expansion, modern ization and diversification of companies. Milestone changes: On 1st October 2004 IDBI was converted into a banking company (IDBI Bank ltd.) to diversify into banking activities while continuing with its role as a Development Financial Institution. On 1st October 2005 IDBI bank ltd. was merged with its parent company IDBI. On 3rd October 2006 The United Western Bank ltd was merged with IDBI. In 2006 IDBI announced its foray into Life Insurance business (48 % equity) along with Fortis (26 %) and Federal Bank (26 %). Product Lines: Corporate Banking: It includes Project Finance, Film Finance, Infrastructure Finance, Foreign Currency loans, Leasing, Carbon Credit business, Working Capital finance, Direct Discounting of bills, Finance for Overseas Acquisitions Products. Retail Banking: It includes various types of bank accounts, mobile banking, internet banking, ATM banking, phone banking, bill payments, various types of loans, various card products/services and investment advisory services. Privilege Banking: It includes preferred customer banking and PowerPlus account. Agri-Business and Micro Finance SME Banking Senior Management: IDBI is a board managed institution with the Chairman Managing Director along with two Deputy Managing Directors having the responsibility of day to day management. Market Information : It is currently the 10th largest development bank in the world in terms of reach. It is the countrys 4th largest bank in overall ratings. It is listed in NSE (last traded price : 117.75) and BSE (last traded price :117.60) ESTABLISHMENT:- The State bank of India, the countrys oldest Bank, traces its heritage two centuries ago. Government of India brought state bank of India act in 1955, which gave RBI provision to acquire 60% stake in Imperial bank of India, whose name was then changed to State bank of India, thus making it the first nationalize bank of India. In 2008, RBIs stake in SBI was taken by government. CORE BUSINESS:- Banking is the core business of SBI which includes corporate, International domestic banking. PRODUCT LINES:- Personal banking: It includes Term deposit, Recurring deposit, Housing loan, Car loan, Education loan, Personal loan and credit card, debit card. International banking:-Trade finance, Correspondent banking, Merchant banking, Project export finance, Exporter gold card, offshore banking. Corporate banking:- Working capital finance, Project finance, Deferred payment guarantees, Corporate term loans, Loan Syndication, Financing Indian firms overseas subsidiaries or JVs. SME(small and medium enterprises): retail trade finance, rice mills plus, auto loan etc Agricultural banking, Government business MILSTONE CHANGES:- SBI computerized its branches in 1990. And Launched state bank of India (California) as subsidiary in 1982.In 1990, SBI established an offshore bank, State Bank of India (Mauritius). To remain competitive, it began the process of implementing largest centralized core system in 2002, ever undertaken by banking industry. In March 2004, SBI announced that customers from over 9000 branches across India will be provide with anywhere banking facility in next two years. Expansion in insurance and investment sector by launching SBI life insurance, SBI mutual fund, SBI capital markets ltd. MARKET INFORMATION:- Exchange listed:- NSE and BSE, London stock exchange, Financial instruments:- monetary instrument eg. credit cards DECISION THAT AFFECTED BANKING SECTOR:- Government owned banks controlled over 90% of the banking sector assets before 1991.Banks business were under stringent administrative control like interest rates on deposits and lending. More private banks then enter into the market resulting improved competition. Public sector banks got more autonomy. There has been significant increase in communication and information technology in the quality of banking service after the liberalization. Focus was on improving internal controls at banks, more market base capital adequacy norms and to resolve the problem of Non- performing Assets. Today all banks have to meet frequent reporting requirements, inspection and audits.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Aid For African Scholars Essay - 1966 Words
The aid literature has long been accused of being Northern/ Euro centric in its focus. This accusation still stands today. There have nonetheless been important contributions to the aid debate from African scholars. There have been some general studies on the responses of aid recipients to northern ODA (Berthelemy 2005à ¾ Moon et al. 2010). As there are essentially Eurocentric studies in the literature to aid, there is a need to consider the literature on African perspectives. Some reflections on how Africans perceive aid can of course be gleaned from the critical works of scholars such as Rodney (1972) who speaks in favour of Africa and denigrates northern aid which according to him underdevelops the latter. Fanon (1994) claims that empowerment is vital for Africans to be entirely free. More recent Africa scholars include Ake (1996) who argues that African development policies should be done from within and not from without. In the same vein in her dead aid study, Moyo (2009) expla ins why aid is not working in Africa, while putting forward some solutions. These writers see aid as an instrument of power and their views are echoed by Bindjouli (2006, p.11) who highlights the nonsensical nature of Africans who act in favour of aid policy towards Africa as well as the nonsense of the policy itself: ÃŒ African countries are still importing their resources and models ÃŒ . The African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (2007) explains how, according to the Paris Declaration, aidShow MoreRelatedHiv / Aids And Aids1356 Words  | 6 PagesJust about two decades ago, HIV/AIDS pandemic was the only thing that is mentioned in social media (Gus â€Å"Introduction to HIV/AIDS†). Proved to be originally from Sub Saharan Africa (S.S Africa) region, HIV/AIDS has spread throughout not only the S.S. Africa, but it eventually becomes the global disaster in the late 20th century (Gus). HIV/AIDS has gained attention from the media when the death many patients by the new emerging disease is reported in Europe and US (Satpathy 27). However, these casesRead MoreTriple Heritage and Africas Bright Future Essay1736 Words  | 7 Pagesthis present time in history. From the beginning chapters about geography and historical context all the way to the final chapter on the trends and prospects for Africa, there are a few conclusions that students can soundly arrive at. As far back as scholars have researched, a range of different cultures have come into contact with Africa including European and Islamic cultures. A lot of the interaction has been forced upon the continent, and has been accompanied by violence, physical and otherwise.Read MoreAfrican Americans And African American Community852 Words  | 4 PagesAs seen through time, African-Americans have been at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing funds that are available to most people. This however has not stopped them from creating and accessing help that supports and aids their families. Through communal efforts, African-Americans have been able to create mutu al aid for themselves. In these communities, there are many sectors that have been built, but the main reason many are â€Å"making it†or able to afford and do what they are currently doingRead MoreEssay on Impact of Stigma of HIV-AIDS in the South African Workplace1497 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Impact of Stigma of HIV/AIDS in the South African workplace.†This falls under a discipline of business management in the financial management degree I am currently doing and one of the key areas of focus within business management is workplace challenges. I believe that HIV/AIDS stigmas are challenges regularly faced in the South African work environment. The purpose of this research review is to gain insight and deeper understanding of what workplace stigma towards HIV/AIDS is in the workplace fromRead MoreThe Roots Of The Tree903 Words  | 4 Pagesincreased as time goes along. The advancements of technology, tools, and the increase of scholars studying/searching for fossils is the cause of this. Fossils are the beginning of the puzzle scholars are piecing together about the origin of human beings. Focusing on fossils dating back to more than 2 million years ago like Australopithecus Sediba, Australopithecus, and Homo habilis can begin to paint a picture for scholars about the origin of human beings. According to National Geographic, â€Å"The Homo nalediRead MoreThe Root Causes Of Sudan s Civil Wars : Peace Or Truce By Douglas H. Johnson988 Words  | 4 Pagesillustrates that a distinct issue cannot explain the intense separation of the Sudan. Moreover, he uses economics and religion as demonstrations to prove his position. Truly, this is no longer an argument about religions against each other, but Africans against Africans in one state. What is Johnson’s main argument about the root causes of Sudan’s civil wars? Douglas Johnson explains that the root of religious division amongst the North and South was an issue, as many people believe it is, but he expandsRead More Universal Declaration of Human Rights854 Words  | 3 Pagesincreased emphasis on sexual rights and most governments, activists are fighting for gay rights and protect people who are discriminated for their sexual orientation. In order to protect and prevent discrimination and violence some states have imposed aid conditionality to ensure that the rights of homosexuals are being respected and protected by the states and societies (Warwick, 2013). However, these states and organisations fail to address complexities in the local complex in countries that criminalizeRead MoreInfluenced By Marxism And Imperialism915 Words  | 4 Pagesdependent position in relation to the industrial powers. Dependency scholars basically believe that less-developed countries will be unable to develop because the rich world uses them as the equi valent of colonies. The major contention here is that the developing countries of the Global South are hindered in their developmental efforts by their association (economic) with the industrialized countries of the Global North. Prominent scholars here include: Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy (Monopoly CapitalismRead MoreThe Demystification of the Freedmens Bureau Essay1262 Words  | 6 PagesThe role of the Freedmen Bureau in African-American development during the Reconstruction era has been a polarizing topic since the Bureau’s inception. While most concur that the Bureau was well intended, some scholars, believe that the Freedmen’s Bureau was detrimental to African-American development. One such scholar was W.E.B. Dubois, who in his book The Souls of Black Folk, expressed his discontent with the actions of the Bureau and suggested that the Bureau did more harm than good. Upon furtherRead MoreAfrican Americans : The Black Codes, And The Jim Crow Laws981 Words  | 4 PagesBy the turn of the 20th century, African Americans who were once slave, less than 50 years ago were now full pledge citizens who can vote and exercise their rights as Americans. Reconstructive efforts were issued to aid th e newly emancipated black population, more several in the south. Programs such as the Freedman’s Bureau, provided free blacks and poor white with food, housing, schooling and medical assistance in attempts for a better transition. However, freed blacks were met with challenges with
Monday, May 18, 2020
2000 Ny Obituaries, Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying And 75-Year
2000 NY Obituaries, Top 5 Regrets of the Dying and 75-Year Enduring Study On Happiness Reveal What Makes a Great Life. The owners of the sexiest job of 21st century, data scientists own the words - actionable insights. The best among them do. Jostled in my mind is a thought – an electrifying thought. Can those words, ‘actionable insights’ and ‘the essence of a good, successful life’ appear in the same sentence? If so, where can we find them? Here are my snippets. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari In 2006, I picked up a book by Robin Sharma – the title sounded interesting. As I was reading through it, one thought made me sit up – â€Å"what if today is your last, how will you live it differently?†I have been noodling on it ever since –that†¦show more content†¦In the obituaries. 2. Give – Obituary Data says so. I love looking for unique trends. For example, a year ago, I relished studying blog titles of Common Joes and Mayas that went viral on LinkedIn and enjoyed synthesizing the essence. I found it riveting that a fellow geek, Lux Narayan, did the same at a TED Talk. Except his analysis centered around 2000 non-paid, editorial obituaries from 2015 to 2016. Lux Narayan used machine learning to mine for the most significant words in the first paragraphs across the 2000 NY imprints. The essence - the second standout word associated with â€Å"not so famous†Joes and Mayas was help. [the first was John, if you are the curious kind] In Lux’s words, â€Å"The exercise was a fascinating testament to the kaleidoscope that is life †¦.. because the most powerful lesson here is, if more people lived their lives trying to be famous in death, the world would be a much better place.†The science of words has that effect on you. It can whittle down to the most significant and illuminate us for life. What about the science of research? 3. Invest in relationships. Science says so A research was started about 75 years ago. It still continues to this day with Harvard college sophomores from the classes of 1939–1944 and inner-city youths who grew up in Boston neighborhoods between 1940 and 1945. A psychiatrist named George Vaillant had the enormous task of cascading the results to
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Report By Mother Jones Reporter Shane Bauer Essay
A June 2016 report by Mother Jones reporter Shane Bauer, who worked as a prison guard for four months to research his article, says that one fifth of prison inmates have been physically assaulted by another prisoner or a guard. Between 3% and 9% of male inmates say they have been sexually assaulted behind bars suggesting that up to 180,000 current inmates may have been sexually assaulted of which only 8,800 cases have been officially reported. Women, who form 7% of the total prison population, have higher figures for sexual victimization. Some 22% of all cases of inmate-on-inmate and 33% of staff-on-inmate sexual assaults are on women (Bauer, 2016). Until the early 1970s, the sentencing of crime convicts was based on the principle of rehabilitation of juvenile and adult offenders. Legislatures set maximum authorized sentences for various types of crimes and judges decided on the prison term or probation or fines. Correctional officials and parole boards had the powers to reduce the t ime served for good behavior and release prisoners early. In the 1980s and 1990s, the emphasis shifted to deterrence by imposing mandatory minimum sentences for certain types of crime, heavier sentences for habitual offenders and the â€Å"three-strike†rule for felony convictions. Public opinion supported these changes in the belief that prison terms were just retribution for crimes and incarceration kept criminals off the streets (Mackenzie, 2001). These changes have led to the USShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesEditorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: B ecca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck TextRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesLevels What are the skill implications of this vast spread of technology? For one, employees’ job skill requirements will increase.15 Workers will need the ability to read and comprehend software and hardware manuals, technical journals, and detailed reports. Another implication is that technology tends to level the competitive playing field.16 It provides organizations, no matter their size or market power, with the ability to innovate, bring products to market rapidly, and respond to customer requests
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Symbolism Used in The Scarlet Letter - 1070 Words
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, symbolsim is constantly present in the actual scarlet letter â€Å"A†as it is viewed as a symbol of sin and the gradally changes its meanign, guilt is also a mejore symbol, and Pearl’s role in this novel is symbolic as well. The Scarlet Letter includes many profound and crucial symbols. these devices of symbolism are best portayed in the novel, most noticably through the letter â€Å"A†best exemplifies the changes in the symbolic meaning throughout the novel. In the beginning of The Scarlet Letter, the letter is understood as a label of punishment and sin being publicized. Hester Prynne bears the label of â€Å"A†signifining adulterer upon her chest. Because of this scorching red color label she becomes†¦show more content†¦As the novel progresses the meaning of the symbolism of the letter â€Å"A†starts ti blossom into a new meaning. Toward the climax of the novel Hester Prynneâ€℠¢s appearance is altered to where she is no longer viewed as a sinner. The meaning on the symbol changes from of the devil to a some what vague symbol, as if it has lost its initial connotation. Society now views her a symbol that differs whom she really is, she is viewed as a strong woman through all the torment that is put in a unfortunate situation. At this point Hester has already learned how to dealt with the burden of the scarlet letter. Withstanding the pressures of society boiling down waiting patiently for Hester Prynne to crack, she does not, she grows into a stronger woman. A woman that has gone through hell and back and continues to thrive in her society even under the circumstances she lives in. The scarlet letter â€Å"A†meaning has changed, â€Å" hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will even be transformed to love, unless the change be impeded by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility†(Hawthorne 147). Slowly Hesterâ€⠄¢s hard feelings toward the letter, and to the situation itself, begins to diminish. However, it isShow MoreRelatedSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter1247 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in The Scarlet Letter Symbolism is simply defined as the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. Symbolism is a common occurrence in literary works and many books use symbolism to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. As in most literary works, symbolism also appears in The Scarlet Letter. There is lots of symbolism used in The Scarlet Letter to convey multiple things and to express many ideas. Symbolism can be found everywhere in The Scarlet Letter and many ofRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne919 Words  | 4 Pageslife has just one meaning. Symbolism occurs in everyday ordinary life. One of the most recognizable stories that contain symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†. Symbolism is when an object is used in place of a different object. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most symbolic writers in all of American history. In â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, the letter â€Å"A†is used to symbolize a variety of d ifferent concepts. The three major symbolistic ideas that the letter â€Å"A†represents in NathanielRead MoreThe Role of Color in The Scarlet Letter Essay973 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history, colors have been used to symbolize different meanings based on associations with culture, history, politics, and religion. In The Scarlet Letter, the author, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism through colors such as red, black and white in the form of sunlight, to represent emotions and ideologies of Hester and the people around her. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the color red significantly throughout The Scarlet Letter to show its importance of symbolism in the emotions of sin and passionRead More Symbols and Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter1178 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism  in The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne isnt noted for perfecting any famous literary style, for writing multiple best sellers, or even for contributing largely to classic American literature. His only real claim to fame is The Scarlet Letter: a novel that was originally only meant to be yet another Hawthorne short story. Because of this, it actually possesses many short story characteristics. It is simpler and more complete than his other novels. (James 285) It also hasRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter. Symbolism Is The Use Of1085 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in The Scarlet Letter Symbolism is the use of an object, character, or event to represent something else. Nathaniel Hawthorne, without a doubt, uses symbolism throughout the course of the novel, The Scarlet Letter. The novel takes place in a Puritan community in present-day Boston. Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth, and Pearl are the main characters. They all have major roles and without them, the novel would not be the same. Hester Prynne; married to Roger ChillingworthRead MoreABy Major Characters In The Scarlet Letter1202 Words  | 5 PagesInterpretation of the ‘A’ by Major Characters in The Scarlet Letter People have different cultures and experiences throughout their lives; therefore, they all have different perspectives of the same object. Various authors use different perspectives of people to make objects mean different based on how people approach it. Not only the readers see the object in different ways, but also the characters in the story. The Scarlet Letter uses various symbolism such as ‘A , rosebush, the forest and more whichRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1122 Words  | 5 Pagesdraft Topic: Symbolism of the Scarlet letter â€Å"A†In The Scarlet letter the author Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates the use of symbolism in the book, especially the scarlet letter â€Å"A.†Symbolism is defined as a figure of speech used for an object, or a word to represent something else in literature. The Scarlet letter â€Å"A†had a change of meaning throughout the novel. In the inception of the book it is known as a symbol of Adultery. As the book continues the scarlet letter is looked at differentlyRead MoreDifferent Interpretations Of The Scarlet Letter1609 Words  | 7 PagesDifferent Interpretations of The Scarlet Letter Symbolism is everywhere around us in our daily lives, even if you don’t notice it right away. Traffic signs, company names, and even colors can all be examples of symbolism. Dr. Stephanie Carrez’ article, Symbol and Interpretation, focuses on and interprets the different types of symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter. Focusing mainly on the characters Hester and Pearl, Carrez’ article brings symbolism to a new light as she interpretsRead MoreSymbolism, Use Of Color, And Themes Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1657 Words  | 7 PagesSymbolism, Use of Color, and Themes in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter is regarded as the first symbolic novel in American Literature for Nathaniel Hawthorne s skillful use of symbolism and allegory. The novel is also said to be the greatest accomplishment of American short story and is viewed as the first American psychological novel, which makes Hawthorne win an incomparable position in American Literature. Hawthorne’s â€Å"unique gift†for using this kind of skills taps into the roots of manRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1159 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in the Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is known to have a lot of symbolism. Symbolism is a way to convey ideas and give a book a deeper meaning to readers. While there are many symbols in the Scarlet Letter, there are a few that stand out more than others. Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth are all main characters that have symbols. Hawthorne symbols are used to help readers relate to the story. In order to really comprehend the book the reader
The Chrysalids A Science Fiction Novel Free Essays
â€Å"It’s often said that Science Fiction is the literature of change. †(Treitel). When a society is going through a period in which they develop many new technologies, science fiction stories often emerge. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chrysalids: A Science Fiction Novel or any similar topic only for you Order Now The feelings and fears of that society are expressed in science fiction. The Chrysalids, a science fiction novel, incorporates characteristics of its genre by being set in a different world, by relating to current events and by showing how destructive power can be. Setting plays a prominent role in defining a science fiction story. Science fiction texts are often set in the future, in space, on a different world, or in a different universe or dimension. †(â€Å"Definition†). John Wyndham’s novel, The Chrysalids, is set centuries in the future. â€Å"But, Uncle, if we don’t try to be like the Old People and rebuild the things that have been lost, what can we do? †(Wyndham 79). The word science fiction brings to mind futuristic worlds full of whirring machines and shiny metals. This novel takes an alternate approach; it shows a world so devastated by nuclear war that it has actually regressed, and yet it is still a possible future. In addition to being set in the future, this novel shows a changed Earth. â€Å"†¦ An Offense was sometimes quite an impressive occasion†¦ My father†¦ would call us all together, including everyone who worked on the farm. We would all kneel while he proclaimed our repentance and led prayers for forgiveness. The next morning we would all be up before daylight and gather in the yard. As the sun rose we would sing a hymn while my father ceremonially slaughtered the two-headed calf, four-legged chicken, or whatever kind of Offense it happened to be. †(Wyndham 18). The world John Wyndham has created is so different from the current reality, it is almost a separate entity. In the fictional reality, the people are terrified of anything different from what they perceive to be the norm. They kill, burn or cast out anything considered to be a deviation. This setting allows the writer to explore terrifying concepts with distance while still creating parallels with current societies. Setting is a vital part of any science fiction story. Furthermore, science fiction relates to current events. â€Å"Good [science fiction]†¦ can provide us with fascinating thought experiments to while way the hours, or extrapolate future dystopias from the politics of the present; it can generate visions of tomorrow’s world, or of worlds eons hence; it can warn or it can soothe†¦ †(Clute 6). The Chrysalids explores the impact of nuclear weapons. â€Å"The whole seaboard is empty – black and harsh and empty. The land looks like a huge dese rt of charcoal. Where there are cliffs they are sharp-edged, with nothing to soften them. There are no fish in the sea there, no weed either, not even slime, and when a ship has sailed there the barnacles and the fouling on her bottom drop off, and leave her hull clean. You don’t see any birds. Nothing moves at all, except the waves breaking on the black beaches. †(Wyndham 60). This novel was first published in 1955, shortly after World War II and at a time when many people were protesting the use of nuclear bombs. People saw the destruction these weapons were capable of and they were afraid. The Chrysalids is a response to that fear; it shows one possible future. Propaganda is another issue discussed in The Chrysalids. â€Å"Not ashamed! Not ashamed of producing a mockery of your Maker – not ashamed of trying to tempt your own sister into criminal conspiracy! The enemies of God besiege us. They seek to strike at Him through us. Unendingly they work to distort the true image; through our weaker vessels they attempt to defile the race. You have sinned, woman†¦ You have produced a defilement†¦ A baby which, if you were to have your way, would grow up to breed, and, breeding, spread pollution until all around us there would be mutants and abominations. †(Wyndham 72). In 1955, the Cold War was in full swing. Spies and secrets abounded while children were told that the other side is evil and propaganda slowly poisoned their minds. Eventually, they believe the lies. Joseph Strorm truly believes what he is saying; he feels that his sister-in-law should kill her newborn child, rather than let it grow and eventually have children of its own. Science fiction often incorporates concerns of the author and the general public at that time. Additionally, science fiction often involves the misuse of power. â€Å"[Science fiction] suggests the possibility of scientific discovery going too far, taking on a God-like power that leads to disaster. †(Quinn) In The Chrysalids there are two examples of destructive power. Firstly, there is nuclear power. â€Å"This is a dreadful country indeed†¦ There are stretches, miles across, where it looks as if all the ground has been fused into black glass; there is nothing else†¦ It goes on and on†¦ What did they do here? What can they have done to create such a frightful place?†¦ It must be utterly beyond hope, barred to any kind of life for ever and ever†¦ There was the power of gods in the hands of children, we know: but were they mad children, all of them quite mad?†¦ The mountains are cinders and the plains are black glass – still, after centuries! †(Wyndham 179). Power is a dangerous thing, as evidenced by the burned mountains and plains of glass discussed in this novel. Power is a popular topic for science fiction stories because so many people crave it, despite its poor history and bleak future. The Chrysalids looks at the consequences of nuclear warfare and the idea that this kind of power is not meant for human hands. The second type of power explored in The Chrysalids, is the power of conformity. â€Å"According to Ethics, mankind†¦ was in the process of climbing back into grace; we were following a faint and difficult trail which led up to the peaks from which we had fallen†¦ There was only one true trail, and by following it we should, with God’s help and in His own good time, regain all that had been lost†¦ Only the authorities, ecclesiastical and lay, were in a position to judge whether the next step was a rediscovery, and so, safe to take; or whether it deviated from the true re-ascent, and so was sinful. †(Wyndham 40). As a race attempting to rebuild its society, conformity and a deference to authority figures would have been beneficial. However, change is necessary for growth. Having a world full of people like Joseph Strorm, who fear change as a deviation from the true path, will bring about the destruction of that society. In The Chrysalids, authority figures force everyone to conform to their idea of what is right and what is sinful. This kind of power is dangerous and, at the end of book, brings about the death of Joseph Strorm and many like him. Destructive power is a popular theme in science fiction novels. Due to its setting, relation to reality and demonstration of various destructive powers, The Chrysalids is clearly a science fiction novel. Science fiction can be many things; it can be educational, providing lessons and morals that apply to real life scenarios; it can be a warning, showing the readers a possible or a probable fate; or it can simply take the reader on a fantastic journey, flying through space and time. Above all science fiction is about change. â€Å"Life is change, that is how it differs from the rocks, change is its very nature. †(Wyndham 182). The Chrysalids, and science fiction in general, teaches that nothing in life is static. How to cite The Chrysalids: A Science Fiction Novel, Papers
Pro Skills Business Analysis
Question: Your Case Study organizations CEO says they would like to outsource their ICT and asks to you to make it happen; this includes any existing systems as well as new systems. You will use the information gathered in the previous assignments and will need to do your own research on outsourcing. Answer: This particular integration is evident in various center of Accenture at varied destinations of the company. The identification of the resources needs to be identified before inputting them into the ERP system. The scope of expansion is considered on the basis of requirements of the present outsourcing operations. The ERP system not only monitors the daily changes in the in the several departments within the company but it also makes the outsourcing of the ICT simple to operate (Ewerstein and Jansson 2014). Introduction The process of outsourcing, deals with transfer of business services from an external source, this is done in order to improve the existing service and expansion of the business processes. Outsourcing is often done in order to incorporate new innovation, knowledge and reduction in the cost associated with management. The conceptualization of the technology emerging in the newer enterprises is significant in both production and service related organizations. The sourcing is done by an external supplier and it is not carried out internally by the management of the company. The initiation of the ICT process was evident from countries like India, China, Cyrus, Malta and UK. It has been observed that there is a considerable amount of cross bordering in the aforementioned regions. (Sebesta 2013). The implementation of the ICT process has been studied through Accenture PLC, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. The company is known for consecutive achievement in the outsourcing operations in the 2016 Global outsourcing list published by the International Association of the outsourcing Professionals (IAOP). The list shows the top hundred companies globally for their outsourcing operations ( 2016). The implementation of ICT at Accenture has ensured that the company can optimize the efficiency in e-healthcare services by providing the solutions related to global warming and various types of social issues which are directly affecting the economic prosperity of a nation. It has enabled the company to achieve several objectives related to innovations and ensured several types of cost effective techniques in the business process. The report given by SMARTer 2030, have suggested that smart grids, outsourcing of the ICT devices, network sensors have significantly contributed to these sectors of the company. The ICT technology has shown the potential to reduce the carbon emissions by 20 percent in the e-healthcare services. ( 2016). Objectives of ICT outsourcing The main service of the company is related to provide business, operations and strategies related to operations. The company aims to improve the consulting services by outsourcing of the ICT technology. It is responsible for outsourcing of digital marketing, mobility services and analytics services. The main objective of the outsourcing activity of the company is to reduce the carbon emissions and add to the environmental performance in the various types of services in the related industry (Jack and Igwe 2014). The main advantages of implementing of ICT in Accenture are discussed below as follows: The outsourcing of the ICT processes in the company has assured the company to achieve the reduction in the CO2 emissions by 2030. The technology has the potential to reduce global emission footprint to decrease the global emissions by 1.97%. The impact of the implementation has laid an augmented focus on the eight sectors of the global economy particularly in energy, food, health, logistics, building and learning of newer methodologies for the outsourcing operations. The SMART2030 report has shown a substantial contribution of ICT in the global emissions between ten years of time span in a conference held at Paris. The carbon footprint report based on the usage of resources by electricity, office facilities has been brought down by more than 47 percent. This reduction is equivalent to availing of electricity facilities by more than 350000 consumers of electricity at North America. ( 2016) The cons of implementation of implementation of ICT technology has been discussed below as follows: The implementation process has faced several challenges due to the changing market scenario at global level. Due to this it is becoming a challenge for the companies like Accenture to trace the external suppliers who are related to provide ICT service. The adoption of various types of ICT service and adoption of techniques such as network sensors, smart grids and mobile networks is considered as an expensive measure and the up gradation process can be time taking process. The restrictions in the usage of internet in certain countries have led to the limited usage of ICT. Due to the Government policies in various countries the internet has limited accessibility and this is a major drawback in implementation of the ICT process (Talebian et al. 2014). With the emerging threats from the potential hackers and fire wall breakers the Internet technology is on the verge of being exposed to greater data piracy and theft. In order to ensure continuous flow of data it is essential to have a proper interlinking of the service through internet (Lapo 2015). Offshore Multi sourcing The offshore multi sourcing is often referred to as hub and spoke model. This method of off shoring reduces the power which a single monopoly supplier should have. This will also enhance the company in achieving the best strategy. This particular model will ensure the company in taking a more risk aversive strategy and mitigate the various uncertainties involved in the outsourcing process. This will also give the company an opportunity to manage the resourcing on internal basis. The appropriate time for multi sourcing is dependent on the maturity of a particular organization. This will enable Accenture to get acquainted to the newer processes and also provide an opportunity to renegotiate with contracts at a later date. As the outsourcing of the business process is very large at Accenture this particular model is ideal for such an organization. This is ideal for flexible business needs and suiting according to job needs of the company. The complexity involved in the process calls for superior management of the available talent to oversee relationship with many vendors and efficient execution of the same. Figure 1: Business Network Model for hub and spoke (Source: Liu et al.2012) The main objective of the hub and spoke model is to increase the present operations of the company. The typical development is associated to the core company. This process may be achieved through strategic exploitation of the assets. In order to efficiently implement this model the strategic alliances needs to be integrated with different competencies. The technological combinations need to be properly merged with outsourced destination for the proper achievement of the business opportunities (Lee et al. 2014). Build operate and transfer Model (BOT) Accenture PLC can adopt the outsourcing model as per build operate and transfer model. In this model the private entities of the company can look to hire the outsourcing facility from the third party agencies. The principle behind the model is offshore partner and engaging in outsourcing operations was based on the in-house effort. The build operate and transfer model is based on the above discussed three principles: Build: This particular sector deals with the identification of the client requirements and making an effort to make an establishment in the host country. This particular phase is involved with tracking of the legal issues, permits, providing administrative services, supplies to office. Operational: The operational phase deals the contribution of the offshore suppliers in the outsourcing of the ICT services. This will ensure that the clients will be able to provide an augmented effort in the time for management and contribute more time for the business rather than giving time for solving of the operational issues existing in the organization (Khanzadi et al. 2012). Transfer: The transfer phase gives an option to the outsourcing activities which deals with the acquisition of the entire business after the operations of the organization have been established for a certain period of time. Figure 2: Build Operate Transfer Model (Source: 2016) The model is also ideal in providing advanced customer service at a lower cost, ownership and risk. For the purpose of averting the risk associated with the venture, the company can look forward to invest in the main functional areas of the business (Jadhav and Attar 2014). Process flow model Scope of improvement in ICT outsourcing The scope of has been seen with the integration of the core functional areas with the business enterprise resources planning. The ERP system used at Accenture is SAP solutions. The outsourcing activities related to purchasing operation, sales, distribution and financial factors related with the service are linked online with ERP system. The ERP takes into account the relative changes in the purchasing activities of the organization and the changes in the various processes within the organization are updated real time with the help of ERP system. The most effective development from the integration of the core functional activities of the company for the various types of facilities which are outsourced is directly in line with opportunities for the improvement in the varied solution of the company. The major integration has been seen mainly in the areas related to finance and purchase operation which are related to the purchase of the ICT equipments (Chan 2013). Request for information (RFI) In order to purchase various equipment and hardware for the purpose of development of Internet communications and technology, the subcontractors need to be managed efficiently in the following ways: The standard template for RFI should be used by the associated subcontractors and the consultants need to place their requests and minimize the import to a single problem. It needs to be ensured that the RFIs are delivered according to the time specified in the contract. The consultants working in the team of Accenture should attach their copy of RFI, which clearly states about the specifications, videos or models which can assess the solution of the problems that are arising as a result of conflict in the request for information (Wright et al. 2016). The project wide register is used to keep track of the RFI with the help of an identification number, date of response and date of creation of the entry. The next steps in the process of request for information involves delivery of the receipt to the appropriate team members as specified in the contract and ensure that an entry has been created for record in the project wide register. The response return process of the review should be dependent on the accuracy and appropriateness thereby ensuring the impact of same on financial project budget and project schedule. The updating of the RFI status is a critical step and it should be only performed after consulting with the team and notifying them about the changes that are being made in the request for information. (Higgins et al. 2012). When the requirements are met the register needs to be marked as closed out, in situation where the requirements are not made according to the specifications it needs to be marked as outside concern for the resolution purpose of the historical reporting (DATE 2012). Evaluation of the methodology based on KPI and SLAs Some of the important key performance indicators and service level agreements which are expected from an outsourcing company like Accenture PLC are mentioned below as follows: Key performance indicators The main concern for the outsourcing agency should ensure utmost maintenance of the quality aspect. It has to be ensured that testing cost is lower than the total project cost. The company to carefully assess the difference in the progress involved of the planned activities and the actual outcomes. The regression test should be based on quantitative execution and cases should be updated according to the release project (Flipse et al. 2013). Service level agreements The company needs to make sure that the services related to purchasing and implementation of the ICT technology in outsourcing is within the specified budget. The efficiency of the design should be tested by the designated team Regression test should be performed on the basis of automated libraries The company needs to make sure that the parameter selected for SLAs are accurate (Gorla and Somers 2014). Report to the CEO The improvement process at Accenture should focus on the benefits it can gain by contributing to the society. The company needs to make tie-ups several companies which can provide efficient technological solutions for improving the overall communication process. The several outsourcing operations will lead to sourcing of more manpower at cheaper cost. This can be achieved by operating in countries where the labor cost is significantly low. In order to enhance the updating process of information the company may consider the restructuring of the ERP system and customizing it according to the requirements of the company. The facilitation of outsourcing services in various areas where the economy is low can lead to a significant growth in the economy and improve the gross domestic product of the nation. The advertising process of RFI should be designed in such a manner that it is able to get attention of vendors for the purpose of outsourcing services and limiting of the selection window for best suppliers available for outsourcing services. The question and method of RFI should involve the participation of individuals related to various professions. For example the process of RFI needs to be advertised in a different way to the trainees of the company than to the experienced employees of the organization (Montenegro and Flores 2015). List of the journal of ICT activities Reference No. Date of entry Activity Name Description Planned Action Status 01 18 .06.2016 Outsourcing model Preparation of multisource hub and spoke model and build operate transfer model Selection of multisource hub and spoke model Under process 02 20.06.2016 RFI model of process flow Model showing the placement of orders on the basis of responses by clients Selection of request for information process model Closed 03 22.06.2016 Evaluation of methodology Listing of key performance indicators Selection of suitable KPI Closed 04 23.06.2016 Evaluation of methodology Listing of service level agreements Selection of suitable SLA Open 05 24.06.2016 Criteria for sourcing Selection of vendor Selection based on multiple sourcing Open 06 25.06.2016 Selection of ERP SAP solutions Selection for improving the online integration of the outsourcing activities. Closed Conclusion The extensive analysis of the report shows that the company needs to upgrade itself according to the changing requirements of the market. It should also ensure that the outsourcing process is able to increase the flow of information in a cost-effective way. In order to further improve the viability of ICT the company needs to take into consideration the expansion of this process in various sectors related to service industry. The key points mentioned under request for information clearly states that advertising and identification for selecting supply and capability of individual suppliers engaged in nicety operations. The general register is used to demonstrate the action plan prepared by the company on a specific date. It shows the scheduled for status of the formulated action plans. Reference List (2016). Environmental Strategy - Corporate Citizenship - Accenture. Chan, E., 2013. Australian quantity surveyors utilize ICT and ERP system improving efficiency.Engineering management reviews,2(4), pp.103-114. DATE, S., 2012. Request for Information. Work, 501, p.65076. Flipse, S.M., Van Der Sanden, M.C., Van Der Velden, T., Fortuin, F.T., Omta, S.O. and Osseweijer, P., 2013. Identifying key performance indicators in food technology contract RD. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 30(1), pp.72-94. Gorla, N. and Somers, T.M., 2014. The impact of IT outsourcing on information systems success. Information Management, 51(3), pp.320-335. Higgins Jr, D., Fryer, S., Stratton, R., Simpson, D. and Reginato, J., 2012. Using the forward thinking index to reduce delays related to request for information process. In Proc., 20th Conf. of the Int. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 20), Lean Construction Institute, Arlington, VA (pp. 1-10). Jack, I. and Igwe, L.E.B., 2014. Extent of achievement of the objectives of ICT application in the accreditation of university programmes. Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria, 17(1), pp.53-58. Jadhav, V.S. and Attar, A.R.C., 2014. Economical Evaluation of Build-Operate-Transfer Project, A Case Study. Jensen, P.D.. and Petersen, B., 2013. Build-operate-transfer Outsourcing Contracts in ServicesBoon or Bane to Emerging Market Vendor Firms?. Journal of International Management, 19(3), pp.220-231. Khanzadi, M., Nasirzadeh, F. and Alipour, M., 2012. Integrating system dynamics and fuzzy logic modeling to determine concession period in BOT projects. Automation in construction, 22, pp.368-376. Lapo, L.V., 2015. The challenge of benchmarking health systems: is ICT innovation capacity more systemic than organizational dependent?. Israel journal of health policy research, 4(1), p.1. Lee, S.Y., Yoo, K.E. and Park, Y., 2014. A continuous connectivity model for evaluation of hub-and-spoke operations. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 10(10), pp.894-916. Liu, S., Kasturiratne, D. and Moizer, J., 2012. A hub-and-spoke model for multi-dimensional integration of green marketing and sustainable supply chain management. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(4), pp.581-588. Montenegro, C.W. and Flores, D.A., 2015, December. An integrated model for ICT Governance and Management applied to the Council for Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions in Ecuador (CEAACES). In Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Strategies of Research in the Accounting Setting and Practices
Question: Discuss about the Strategies of Research in the Accounting Setting and Practices. Answer: Introduction Generally, this research paper is divided into four major parts or questions in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of the study. For case, the first part is about research plan for the research that describes and analyzes various concepts and principles and applications of research that could be used in the accounting. Moreover, the second part of the study would address and analyze the key differences among the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs and their used. The next part of the study is suggests that how the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods are different as compare to Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods in the research. Finally, this research paper analyzes and evaluates the major factors or forces that may affect the successful implementation of managementaccounting systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Research Plan for the Research The Objective of the Research: Based on the given scenario, it is analyzed that, the main objective/purpose of conducting the research is to find and access the views and opinion of the company staff about the use of new system within the company. Moreover, to provide specific suggestions and recommendation in order to bring improvement within the current new system to overcome future challenges and issues is also the key aim of the research (Punch, 2013). Use of Qualitative Approach: Generally, a qualitative research approach would be used in this research in order to effectively and properly address the research questions and solve the research problems in an effective and proper manner. In addition to this, qualitative research approach would be used because it is most appropriate technique to collect qualitative information about the research topic, research questions and attain the research outcomes. For example, qualitative research will also offer in depth information about the research problem and help in addressing the research questions properly (Ng, Lingard, and Kennedy, 2013). In the same way, by using qualitative research method, information and data can be collected easily that is essential to address the research questions. Qualitative research method is also allows the researcher to collect subjective information and explore new area of research. For case, with the help of qualitative research approach, the researcher c an address and solve the complex research questions that can only be possible with qualitative research. On the other hand, in this study, the researcher would use qualitative research in order to collect detailed information about the opinion and attitude of staff regarding the use of new system (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015). The population Participants: In the study, the staff of the accounting firm and business partners are the population in the study which the employee or staff would be the main participant in this research because they are using new system in the company. Participants would play a lot of significant role in the overall success of the research because they will help in solving the research question and addressing the research problem effectively (Gerrish, and Lacey, 2010). Determination of Sample Size: In this research study, sample size would be determined by considering a number of observations and replicates. Moreover, the researcher would use and determine sample size in this study on the basis of data collection. At the same time, it is also important to know that, in this research study, the researcher would adopt various specific and scientific methods to determine the sample size from the study. For example, the researcher can use own experience and targeting the population of the study to determine the sample size in effective and proper manner (Mertens, 2014). How the sample of participants will be selected from the population: In this study, the researcher would adopt and use various techniques and method of sampling in order to select the sample of participants from the population. For example, simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, stratified sampling, clustered sampling, convenience sampling, Quota sampling etc are the most common and valuable sampling techniques that can be used as per the nature of study in order to select the sample from the population. This sampling method is more valuable in the research that allows the researchers to infer important data and information about a population. As this research is qualitative research, so the research would use simple random sampling method to select the sample (O'Leary, 2013). Data Collection from Participants: In this research study, data would be collected by using qualitative method of data collection. In addition to this, to collect the information from the participants of the study, the researcher would prepare and send a set of open and close ended questionnaire to the participants to gather the data and information about the research study. On the other hand, Surveys, and Interviews are other significant methods of collecting qualitative information from the participants. Hence, the research can conduct interviews and survey to gather the qualitative information to solve the research questions and address the research problem effectively (Mackey, and Gass, 2015). Example of the Questions: The following are the key questions that will be posed to participants: 1. How the new system helped you to increase your work productivity and skills? 2. What are the major benefits and advantages gained by you by using new system in the company? What are the key strategies or methods you would propose in order to bring improvements within the new systems? Steps to analyze the collected Data: The following are the major steps that would be used to analyze the collected data such as: Defining Questions Organizing information Setting of Clear Measurement Priorities Collecting Data (Creswell, 2013). Analyzing qualitative Data Integrate the information Interpreting Results Limitations: This research has not wider scope for the further research because lack of appropriate research methods and techniques. Moreover, the research does not have clear research objectives, questions, and methods that is main limitation of this study. There is also no link among the research questions and research problem that is other limitations of this study (Baskerville, and Wood-Harper, A2016). Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs The questions used in interviews are constructed differently in quantitative compared to qualitative research designs. For example, in the quantitative research design, interview questions are design to generate numerical data or information that is transferred into tables, charts and statics. But, in the Qualitative research design, interview questions are design to understand the motivation, reasons, and understanding. Moreover, when a research uses quantitative method to create interview questions, he or she use measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research (Smyth, 2016). But, Qualitative method is used to collect the quality data from the interview. Along with this, it is also important to know that, in the qualitative method, interview questions are develop by using various methods techniques such as: individual interviews, focus groups, participation/observations etc. In contrast, when interview questions are developed as per the quantitative method, the researcher uses different methods including face-to-face interviews, online polls, paper surveys, kiosk surveys, longitudinal studies, telephone interviews, online polls, website interceptors etc. Hence, it can be said that, questions used in interviews are constructed differently in quantitative compared to qualitative research designs (Guercini, 2014). Distinguish Between Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods There are several differences can be found among the Explanatory Sequential and Exploratory Sequential mixed method techniques of research. For example, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods is use to analyze and collect the quantitative data with the help of qualitative analysis. But, Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods mainly is utilized by the researcher to collect the qualitative data (Thomas, Nelson and Silverman, 2011). On the other hand, Explanatory Sequential method firstly focuses on gathering quantitative information then it collects qualitative in order to investigate the quantitative results. In the same way, it generates quantitative results effectively. In contrast, in using of Exploratory Sequential method, the researcher first gather qualitative information and then collect quantitative data. So, it produces quantitative information for the researcher (Vaishnavi, and Kuechler, 2015). In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, each types of research mixed methods design are used in the research to conduct the research. Both are appropriate for the research but use for the different purpose. For example, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods is most appropriate when the researcher wants to collect qualitative results to explain and interpreting the finding of a quantitative study. At the same time, Exploratory Sequential mixed method is appropriate when the researcher try to develop and test a new instrument in the research study (Tran, 2016). Computerized Information Processing System It is analyzed that, Simples Solution is a consulting company that helps its client organizations in improving internal communications. Moreover, it is decided by the management of the company that, Simples Solution would adopt computerized information processing system in run the business operations and functions accurately, smoothly and effectively. The new system would provide a lot of benefits to the employees and organizations. For case, the new system would allow the accountants to conduct variousaccounting functions and transactions more innovatively and effectively (Whitbeck, 2011). On the other hand, the functions of the new system would not be limited because it would also help the organizational people to collect significant and meaningful information to make most appropriate decision. In the same way, the new computerized information processing system would improve decision making abilities of the employees in developing client record keeping system. But, there are severa l factors or forces that may contribute or hinder the successful implementation of management accounting systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As an assistant accountant at Simples Solution, I am responsible to make a report on the factors that may affect the success of the new system (Veiga, and Eloff, 2007). It is found that, there would be several types of technological factors that would affect the success of new systems. For example, service quality, system quality and information quality are the major technological factors that may affect the acceptance of new computerized information processing system and increase the performance of the new system within the small and medium company. On the other hand, if the new system would be easy to use, flexible, easy to learning, and responsible, it would improve the organizational productivity, and profitability. In contrast, if the new system would not be flexible and easy, it may affect the success and growth of the company. At the same time, it is analyzed that, computer self-efficacy and user experience are the people oriented factors that may affect the success of new system in the company (Duggan, Johnson, and Grawemeyer, 2012). Apart from this, there may be various organizational factors that would have a direct impact on the successfully implementation of new system. For case, top management support, and end-user training are considered two major factors that could affect the implementation process. It is because the successfully implantations of new system would require proper and specific support from the top management to attain the key objectives. If there would be no support from the higher management of the company, the new system could not be successfully implemented at the company. On the other hand, after the support from top management, a small and medium company would have to provide and conduct the training programs on the new system so that the employees can effectively understand the benefits and advantages of using new systems (Jansen, and Grance, 2011). The cost and time are others factors that may also affect the success of new system. For instance, when the company implements the new system at the workplace, it would require recruiting special and technical staff to effectively execute the new system. So, in recruiting of new staff, the company has to pay them for their services that may increase the costs of the company and affect the profitability of the company. Moreover, Availability of Resources can also create a lot of challenges and affect the success of new systems. For case, if there would be lack of available resources, the company could not successfully execute the new system at the workplace. (Bidgoli, 2006). In addition to this, involvement of the stakeholders, proper training, leadership and management support, available resources, financial support from company, and support from the community etc are the fundamental forces that may affect the successfully implementation of new technology or system at the workplace. For example, all the stakeholders such as: customers, employees, management, investors, community should participate in the new system and provide their suggestion to make it more successful. If there would be no proper support, the company could not be able to implement a new system effectively at the company. It may also affect the results and outcomes in the future. On the other hand, it is also important for a company to provide sufficient resources to their staff, technical teams, and employee so that they could effectively and properly adopt new system at the workplace. In contrast, if a company does not provide required resources, the staff would not be able to adopt new system at the workplace. Hence, there should be proper and sufficient resources in order to execute the new system successfully (Veiga, and Eloff, 2007). Apart from this, it should also be noted down that, in order to make new system more successful, a company should also provide financial assistance to their staff so that can utilize available resource to attain the objectives of new systems. At the same time, it is also important to the company to promote the needs and wants for the new system at the workplace to make technology more successful. In addition to this, it is also found that, for the use and execution of new computerized information processing system, a company would also need to develop innovative, dynamic and specific strategies in order to fulfill the aims and objectives associated with the new technology and systems. Moreover, the employees motivational level should be increased to successfully use the new system at the workplace. Furthermore, a company should also analyze both internal as well as external business environment before implementing any new system. It is because without analyzing the external and inter nal factors, the company could not be success in executing new system in the company. Hence, it can be said that, all these factors would affect the success of new computerized information processing system (Guercini, 2014). Conclusion Overall, it can be concluded that, the concepts, principles, applications of the research plays significant role in the accounting setting and such concepts could improve the accounting and financial performance of the companies. Moreover, it can be said that, both Between Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods are not similar. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs are major different methods used in research to attain the research objectives and various differences could be found among these two. Finally, it can be concluded that, organizational, technical and people oriented factors affect the success of new system in a company. References Baskerville, R. L., and Wood-Harper, A. T. (2016). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. USA: Springer International Publishing. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. 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